
06 Mar 2024 ~ 2 min read

Sun and Rain

Pleumeur-Bodou — Côtes-d’Armor (Bretagne, France)

Cool morning, fresh air. Seagulls greet us with their song as they glide over the roofs around us. Some are flying above the ground, I can see them in the eyes. After a while they gather on a roof and chat loudly.

I remember the one that landed on the top of the roof when we arrived a few days ago and was staring over us from up there. In a white feather dress, elegant as a queen. Hello, travelers, it seemed to call out to us. What a wonderful welcome.

Late afternoon

Light rain is falling, slowly like snow and the sun is shining. I go out onto the terrace, barefoot. The wet wood, over which I take one step after another, is pleasantly cool. I stop at the end of the patio, close my eyes and spread my arms wide as the fine rain beats down on my skin.

My ears hear the chirping of birds, then the rumble of thunder in the distance. It gets stronger and louder. I breathe calmly and deeply. Then, for a brief moment, it is quiet. I turn around and open my eyes and there is a colorful rainbow over the horizon.

What a wonderfully beautiful experience.